zondag 22 april 2012

Fuck advertisement

Ok I like public marketing, I have to admit that but only when they are in a fun kind of guerilla marketing way. However I do share Banksy's opinion about public advertisment that's in your face and makes you feel like your somewhat insignificant. Keep buying our superawesome products and you become superawesome. They make you look like you will become better looking, have more money and have more friends. Overall your life will be better and it will definiteley won't be as boring as it is right now.

dinsdag 10 april 2012

dinsdag 27 maart 2012


Things I did this weekend

watched THE KONY doc.

Painted a cabinet in my room (yezyez SUPERcreative)

drank beer that looked like this:

Almost bought this:

Laughed over this:

Tried to make this:

AND booked a weekend Warsaw, Poland 

The lookalike

I was watching this short documentary about healthy food and how it affects your body (http://vimeo.com/38632012 I recommend it to anyone that's trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle, it's pretty interesting) and then I saw this guy:

well, there's no need for further explanation 

woensdag 7 maart 2012


In search of a new screensaver or background, go to http://9031.com/goodies/. Here you'll find the famous

For the rest there's not much there to download but it is worth mentioning