dinsdag 25 oktober 2011


Okay this is awesomeeee! This contest was started by adobe in the UK, but booooooom (and with adobe) started their own contest allowing people all over the world to compete.



The Bubble Project

I really like this one. Okay maybe I'm way too late posting this but still I'm sure there still people out there who haven't seen it before. This is a project of this guy Ji Lee who started to put this empty text balloons on adds. After some time he came back to see what people might have written on them, and suprrisingly everybody wrote down this funny stuff or political critisism. The project grew and became the Bubble Project for people all over the world. Go to http://www.thebubbleproject.com/ and maybe even download your own bubble to get guerrilla all over the place.

vrijdag 14 oktober 2011

Like a BUS

Fuck them stingy bastards

So okay I normally don't blog about my personal experiences (except if they are funny and contain pictures) but there is now just something I need to share with somebody and the world has THE RIGHT TO KNOW. As many of you, or only you (I don't know who is going to read this), know is that Dutch people aren't particularly famous about their money spending, more famous they are when it comes to their money KEEPING. So I work in this bar/cafe, doesn't matter, but we have lots of people comming out of their work and drink some beers with their colleagues before driving/bicycling home. Sounds like fun, yes it is. Well there are many businessmen so it's up to the individual to decide whether you like these kind of people or not. Often they give farewell parties because big companies have often people leaving. So last night I had to work in the cafe/bar whatever, and there was again this farewell party. everything was going great, they got wait pretty good as I can say so myself, and at the end of the night after working my ass of, the bill came. It was around 700 euro's, so the man sad "hmm well you know what, make it 715!". Okay wasn't much tip in the first place but you know, I'm not a complainer, that's just not who I am. Until now I guess. So I thanked the man but told him we couldn't set the tip on the bill, our cash register doesn't work that way (I don't know why, maybe something dutch), so he sad " well that's a pity, because now I can't declare the tip."

And he left.


dinsdag 11 oktober 2011

Inpirational graphic designs

Arthur C Clarke predicting the future in 1964

A pretty accurate prediction of today's communication system, I think. It made me think of McLuhans Global Village

everything is a remix

just watch it

Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Metamorphosis of a crisis

A dutch documentary about the crisis and how it effect peoples lifes and how people react to it. The Aftermath Network shines new light on this crisis, very interesting and postmodern a MUST SEE.

For the complete documentary click here
And no, you don't have to know the dutch language in order to see this documentary.

One of the theme's in this documentary is the role of the media in this crisis and how brands are using the crisis to kind of rebuilt the capitalism, telling the individual to fix the crisis, to move forward.


maandag 10 oktober 2011


O Lieb, solang du lieben kannst!

O lieb, solang du lieben kannst!
O lieb, solang du lieben magst!
Die Stunde kommt, die Stunde kommt,
Wo du an Gräbern stehst und klagst!

Und sorge, daß dein Herze glüht
Und Liebe hegt und Liebe trägt,
Solang ihm noch ein ander Herz
In Liebe warm entgegenschlägt!

Und wer dir seine Brust erschließt,
O tu ihm, was du kannst, zulieb!
Und mach ihm jede Stunde froh,
Und mach ihm keine Stunde trüb!

Und hüte deine Zunge wohl,
Bald ist ein böses Wort gesagt!
O Gott, es war nicht bös gemeint, -
Der andre aber geht und klagt.

O lieb, solang du lieben kannst!
O lieb, solang du lieben magst!
Die Stunde kommt, die Stunde kommt,
Wo du an Gräbern stehst und klagst!

Dann kniest du nieder an der Gruft
Und birgst die Augen, trüb und naß,
- Sie sehn den andern nimmermehr -
Ins lange, feuchte Kirchhofsgras.

Und sprichst: O schau auf mich herab,
Der hier an deinem Grabe weint!
Vergib, daß ich gekränkt dich hab!
O Gott, es war nicht bös gemeint!

Er aber sieht und hört dich nicht,
Kommt nicht, daß du ihn froh umfängst;
Der Mund, der oft dich küßte, spricht
Nie wieder: Ich vergab dir längst!

Er tat’s, vergab dir lange schon,
Doch manche heiße Träne fiel
Um dich und um dein herbes Wort -
Doch still - er ruht, er ist am Ziel!

O lieb, solang du lieben kannst!
O lieb, solang du lieben magst!
Die Stunde kommt, die Stunde kommt,
Wo du an Gräbern stehst und klagst!
Ferdinand Freiligrath, 1849